Sandoval County Commission Issue An Emergency/Disaster Declaration

For Immediate Release
April 12, 2023

Sandoval County Commission Declares Sandoval County to be an Emergency Area in the Jemez Corridor due to Severe Flooding

At tonight’s Commission Meeting, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Sandoval issued an Emergency/Disaster declaration that Sandoval County be an emergency area as a result of the severe flooding in the Jemez Corridor. This declaration provides for exercising applicable emergency powers and expenditures of available resources, and requesting assistance and relief programs and funds available from the State of New Mexico and the Federal Government by the virtue of the All Hazard Emergency Management Act.

This emergency declaration seeks to immediately facilitate remedial measures designed to assist the residents of these affected areas. Current conditions identified are an emergency situation in the Village of Jemez Springs where flooding has caused problems with its wastewater treatment plant, county bridges, and down river communities like the Village of San Ysidro. There is flooding throughout the Jemez Corridor and roadways have been affected. The Declaration states that all available local resources are insufficient to alleviate this emergency and repair the infrastructure and that without assistance, the County would not have the resources to completely and effectively address continued response to the needs associated with the emergency.

The Sandoval County Fire and Rescue Department and its Office of Emergency Management have been coordinating with surrounding communities, the state and federal governments, to obtain needed resources. Sandoval County has pledged all necessary resources to protect the life, welfare and property of County residents.