Connecting Non-profits with Community-Minded Businesses

Vice Chair Michael Meek, District 3, congratulates Fundaxi CEO Hass Aslami with a Plaque of Welcome from Sandoval County during the organization’s ribbon-cutting ceremony. The mission of Fundaxi is “To connect community groups and businesses with a system of giving that is trustworthy, efficient and convenient.” Mr. Aslami is center stage with the scissors; next to him is Commissioner Michael Meek on the left and Rio Rancho Mayor Gregg Hull on the right. Jerry Schalow, CEO and President of the Rio Rancho Regional Chamber of Commerce is fourth from right. Others featured in the ribbon-cutting line include staff members and other Chamber representatives. The event was held at the organization’s office, 4140 Jackie Road, Rio Rancho, on Wednesday, April 12. Fundaxi is located within the Pizza 9 headquarters (Mr. Aslami is also the CEO of the Pizza 9 Hospitality Group.).  For more information, visit: